
augsburg contemporary

  • augsburg contemporary sees itself as a project space for innovative positions in contemporary art. Owner Andreas Stucken has been showing site-specific, conceptual works, painting, photography, sculpture since 2019 and presents selected artists at art fairs such as POSITIONS Berlin and paper positions. Past projects include the exhibition series "Domestic Space", which was funded by the German Government as part of NEUSTART KULTUR, and the network project "Art X Augsburg".

    We are showing new works by Karen Irmer, Elvira Lantenhammer, Kirk Sora and Angela Stauber at the POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair from September 12th to 15th, 2024. You will find us in Hangar 7, Booth F12 

    The POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair will take place in the spacious hangars 6 and 7 of Berlin-Tempelhof Airport. The hangars with their 16-meter-high ceilings and light-flooded halls, together with the backdrop of the former airfield, offer a unique and relaxed atmosphere on over 12,000 square meters. This spacious area enables a diverse and high-quality supporting program with special exhibitions, award ceremonies, talks and many other highlights. 

    POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair, Flughafen Tempelhof, Tempelhofer Damm 45, D-12101 Berlin. 

    Opening Reception: Thursday, September 12th, 6-9pm, 13.9.: 2-8pm, 14.9.: 11am-7pm, 15.9.: 11am-6pm

    Available artworks by Karen Irmer Available artworks by Elvira Lantenhammer Available artworks by Kirk Sora Available artworks by Angela Stauber

    Current: "Die Intensität der Orte – Strömung und Abstraktion" / - 15.9.2024 / Opening hours: Friday / Saturday 2-5pm | In their artworks, Anja Behrens and Anna-Maria Kursawe are dealing with the expressive power of landscape under the influence of the respective composition and the site-specific light. They capture the contrasting moods of north and south. On display is a juxtaposition of arctic interpretations of nature and Mediterranean cityscapes. By comparing the two artists' different ways of seeing and expressing themselves - here the Nordic flow, there the southern abstraction - intensity and formative power of places is made visible. 

    Available artworks by Anja Behrens Available artworks by Anna Maria Kursawe

    Preview: Jürgen Paas “STRANGE KIND OF COLOURS”, Opening Reception on Sunday, September 22nd, 11 am - 4 pm  | Duration: 22.9.-26.10.24

    In the new series of works “JUKEBOX” and “TARGET” by Jürgen Paas, the installed wall and floor objects are reduced to the elementary formal language of line, circle and square. Composed on the one hand of spirally wound bands of color, on the other hand added together in vertical stripes, they only reveal their multifaceted visual experience to us as we walk around them or pass by.

    At the same time fotodiskurs opens the exhibition “nameless” with works by Jeff Cohen and Werner Knaupp diagonally opposite (Bergstr. 12), greeting: Jürgen Enninger, Cultural Officer of the City of Augsburg.

    Available artworks by Jürgen Paas

    Upcoming: augsburg contemporary will be showing new works by Anja Behrens, Isabelle Dyckerhoff, Florian Ecker, Inge Gutbrod, Reiner Heidorn and Bettina Hutschek from October 17th to 20th, 2024 at the 9th Art Salon in the Museum Villa Rot in Burgrieden near Ulm. Taking up the tradition of the Parisian salon culture of the 17th century, the Red Art Salon, now in its ninth edition, offers an attractive meeting place for professional and social exchange. In the historic rooms of the villa and in the modern art hall, thirteen renowned galleries from Germany and abroad will be showing current trends in the art market. A primary concern of the art fair is to show the breadth and diversity of current trends and to present works by both established, renowned and young, up-and-coming artists.  

    You will find us in room 8 of Villa Rot, in the hallway of the villa with an installation by Inge Gutbrod and in the entrance area of the museum with a new work by Anja Behrens. Visit us in Burgrieden!

    Preview: Sebastian Bühler “Parking - structures and shapes”, Opening Reception on Sunday, November 10th, 11 am - 4 pm | Duration: 10.11.-14.12.24

    Where others go on, Sebastian Bühler stops, looks and discovers the charm of what is no longer perfect. He takes a careful look at the damaged, which we are usually used to negating, and photographs it with care and respect. He reveals what was previously hidden and shows that beauty can also be found in destruction. Sebastian Bühler not only conveys a new view of the surface, but also of what lies behind it and, above all, of ourselves. 

    augsburg contemporary is in 2024 subsidized by:

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